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Code of Conduct Advisory and Review

A company's Code of Conduct or Code of Business Practices encapsulates the corporation's commitment to an ethical business culture.


We help to review your current Codes and related individual policies or will create a new Code based on your requirements that will be written in simple English, and be user-friendly, and aesthetically appealing.

  • Importance of the Code and why it is needed, generally in the form of the company's CEO or Board's message committing itself to the Code and requiring similar commitment by employees and contractors.

  • Tone at the top.

  • Individual responsibility and commitment to comply with the Code.

  • Management of conflicts of interest - acting in the best interests of the company.

  • Clear commitment to anti-bribery.

  • Anti-money laundering compliance.

  • Managing gifts and entertainment.

  • Health, safety and environment.

  • Human rights.

  • Sustainability.

  • Compliance by third parties (suppliers, etc).

  • Whistle-blowing, ethics hotline, and reporting mechanisms.

  • Other topics as may be needed by the company depending on its risk profile.


We work with you to understand your specific requirements in terms of risk profile, and what you expect of employees and third parties to comply with an ethical business culture.

Typical topics covered:

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