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Business Values Advisory Services

Corporate ethics is not a nice to have in the modern world. It is a core part of a business's licence to operate. Shareholders, communities, regulators, and employees all require a culture of ethical business conduct.


We help you by advising and devising policies, and conducting training if required, focused on key ethical principles:

  • Ethical principles - tone from the top, buy-in at all levels, individual responsibility.

  • Anti-bribery - what is bribery, the do's and don'ts, facilitation payments, handling extortion and how it differs from bribery, legal requirements

  • Conflicts of interest.

  • Anti-money laundering.

  • Health, safety, environment and sustainability.

  • Human rights.

  • Expectations from business partners like suppliers and distributors.

  • Competition law.

  • Harassment generally and sexual harassment.

  • Gifts and entertainment.

  • Data privacy.

  • Whistle-blowing, non-retaliation, culture of openness to report unethical or illegal activity, reporting mechanisms.

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